Monday, January 14, 2013

Where are the men?

Where are the men.

This is a post I read I cannot remember which blogger posted it.  It said many young women are being raised to be Godly wives in the future but it seems to be hard for them to find that Godly young man. So they sit and wait.

I felt like this really resonated with me. I have a college aged daughter and then I have 3 boys,  11, 7 and 5.  I have been married for 22 years to a man who has been nothing short of an excellent provider and hard worker.  If I believe I deserve this why would I not want this for my future daughter in laws? I have an obligation to raise them to be good providers.  I am becoming more aware of things that are not helpful in this venture to raise them to that point.  Video games are one.  We have pretty much put the kibosh on them and have seen improved attitude.  Television is another.  The more they watch the more of a stinky attitude we have...hmmmm... seems to be a correlation there.

We have started to study Proverbs with our boys.  Not at the beginning and not in a particular order.  What we are doing is taking a few verses at a time, breaking them apart and discussing the meaning. It is 31 power packed chapters about character good and bad and what they lead to in life.  Great for boys and girls but a must do.

I have seen people we know allow the boys in there home to spend hours and hours a day on the computer. As adults these young men still are not on their own and they spend all their time on the computer or gaming. It is sad and these same mothers make excuses for the lack of training they gave their sons.  What lady wants that for a husband.  I love my young men and I am resolved to make them better by encouraging them to learn skills, practice them and even try some small business ventures to learn about how money works.  I want them to be the kind of husband I have and it is my obligation to raise them in such a manner.

I am sure to make mistakes but God has pressed upon me that this is a most important thing. Moms of boys this is your duty to carry out. Teach them to be diligent, hard working, lovers of God. Do not let them waste idle hours pursuing things that are not of value to them in adult life.  They need to know how to support themselves and not be spending hours in front of video games living in your basement.