Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do we put all our eggs in one basket? Multiple income streams!

I have been reading many things lately. All have confirmed what I have been doing and did not realize that I was doing it. We have several small income streams to aid our family. Just some different things here and there. I used to think that it was because I am unfocused. I now realize this is a gift from God.

When times fluctuate up and down different things do well and others do not so well. By having several things we are protected from all things going down the drain. No you do not have to do this but it is a nice cushion. I am going to give several different things our family does. Each one of these things on there own is great but they give our family diversity.

First thing is that since 1991 I have held my manicurist license. A couple of times a year I do a large spa weekend and make really good money. It helps out with several things. I have tried to work in a salon but there is a lot of wasted time sitting and takes a long time to build a client base. I am better on my own not wasting time. (this is a personal preference)

Second thing is our small farming activities. We raise meat birds (chickens and turkeys) sell eggs, and strawberries and other small items off our farm. This does 2 things for us. It provides great food for us to eat and brings the cost of what we raise for ourselves down to free or sometimes even puts some money in our pockets. The benefit in doing this is health and a good portion of what we eat at no cost. 2 wind turbines are going up a quarter of a mile from the house this summer with tons of people traveling our normally quiet road. This will be a great benefit for our little roadside stand. Is it permanent... no .... but will raise our income stream from this year.

Third, I handle email clubs for small businesses that want to bring customers back into the store and give them exclusive offers. Simple, high revenue for time invested income. Starting a proper internet business can be lucrative and actually take little time for the money it brings in. I could not make what I get per hour doing this at any job. My husband who is an engineer does not make this per hour. That being said if the internet blew up tomorrow this is not my only income stream.

Fourth, doll clothes. It seems like everyone and their sister had an American Girl doll or a similar 18 inch doll for their daughter. A friend and I make doll clothes and sell them like hotcakes where ever we go. The company sells them at obnoxious prices and we sell them reasonable so it brings in a nice income as well.

Do not be overwhelmed these are just ideas. The first 3 things, in all honesty, require very little of my time. With the food, we are producing it anyway, so it is not a hassle to grow some extra to bring the cost of ours down. We are a people who count on only one thing, these days it can be a detriment when things cycle downwards. God has blessed all of us with many abilities. Maybe you can tutor, babysit, grow some grapes, design a webpage or do clothing alterations. Whatever it is you can have things that are a part of your daily life that will enhance it. We give away a ton of items as well which makes us happy to be able to bless people with extra items they need. Train your children to learn how to do more than one thing and they will call you blessed. I truly believe it!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life gets busy!

Sometimes and some days in spite of our best efforts time and life can get away from us. My dryer quit last week. I could not call the repair man because on Monday I was gone all afternoon. On Tuesday I was gone all morning. On Wednesday I had to wait for Mike so we could tear it apart and make sure it was not something we could take care of ourselves. It is now Thursday morning.

These things happen and we should not be unkind to ourselves when life gets a little out of hand. I would not have missed the opportunity for my kids on Tuesday morning. I have plenty of friends, neighbors or a laundry mat that I can dry clothing at. Is it inconvienent? Absolutely!!!

We have Easter on Sunday and we always have a huge egg hunt on our property for our kids on Saturday. Due to the current state of snow I think for the first time in 11 years it may have to be changed. We have an 18th birthday next Tuesday and a 10th birthday next Wednesday. A graduation in 4 weeks and an open house in 6 weeks. Life is about to hit full tilt with fair animals arriving weekly as well. God is good. He gives us the down time when we need it and carries us through all the chaos. As long as we don't lose our focus everything will be all right.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well, it is April 5th and thoughts are turning to spring and gardening. In 2 weeks I will be running several homeschool students ages 0-13 through a heavily condensed version of the Jr. Master Gardener Program in 2 hours. This is normally a 6-7 week course so I am trying to decide which information is the most important to give to this wide age grouping.

I myself am having gardening thoughts and wishing for warmer days in which to work outside. I find myself gazing in the seed isle trying to decide which are the most desired for my planting this year. As I stare at all the seed packets with the pictures on it I can envision the meals I can make with the fresh food as well as the produce I can preserve for future use.

Many people would argue with me but I feel like planting, tending, growing and harvesting a plant is one of the most intimate expereriences you can have with God's planet. Next to having a hand in bringing life into the world if that be through your own children or through animals that have been put in your care. Some projects we take on are long to the finish to see the end results. Raising our children is one of those. It takes lots of time and patience and we dont see the results of what we do for many years. Planting a fruit tree takes time and patience put produces seen results much faster than children, normally within about 3 years. Still time but not near as much. Crocheting or knitting a scarf, much faster, maybe a few days. maybe a little less or more but the end comes quickly along with the satisfaction of a well done job.

In 90 days give or take I can have wonderful healthy food for my family that takes a little time a little patience and gives great results. When digging in the garden or weeding or watering I get a close up look at lots of things I would never pay attention to otherwise. Yes even those completely disgusting tomato hornworms that make my toes curl up in a ball as I type right now. If nothing else put a pot on your porch, drop a seed in it and see what comes up. You might be suprised. Then take time to enjoy the beauty in it even if only for a short time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bunny Crazy ?

Bunnies, bunnies , bunnies....we have 11 in the barn. My kids love bunnies but even more they love to breed and sell bunnies. So we have been working with Holland Lops and English Angoras and while these are lovely breeds we are looking for a bred that is different for us to work on.

At the ARBA show this weekend we found just that. The tiny little Polish rabbit. Space requirements are much smaller...we can probably divide the angora cages into 2. Amanda talked to a top breeder and she passed on much information. Now we must decide what rabbits to disperse and which ones we are keeping just because we love them.

By the way if you are a mom with much on your plate I would encourage you to look at bulk cooking/freezing. I find I am doing this more and more. I take a day every so often and make multiple meals and freeze them for a future dinner. I also have incorporated a whole new method to this as well. When I make a meal for dinner....lets do this on the easy ...say tacos I cook enough for at least 3 meals. I freeze all the extra and then that is one less thing to do on dinner night. I do this with several dishes..... lasagna, chicken brocolli and rice, manicotti and others. I did this when I had babies with their food as well. On a day I have been busy and don't want to follow the menu I have other options available.

This can be a huge blessing by saving time and money(not eating out on the fly) and keeps things rolling along. Any questions feel free to contact me.