Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do we put all our eggs in one basket? Multiple income streams!

I have been reading many things lately. All have confirmed what I have been doing and did not realize that I was doing it. We have several small income streams to aid our family. Just some different things here and there. I used to think that it was because I am unfocused. I now realize this is a gift from God.

When times fluctuate up and down different things do well and others do not so well. By having several things we are protected from all things going down the drain. No you do not have to do this but it is a nice cushion. I am going to give several different things our family does. Each one of these things on there own is great but they give our family diversity.

First thing is that since 1991 I have held my manicurist license. A couple of times a year I do a large spa weekend and make really good money. It helps out with several things. I have tried to work in a salon but there is a lot of wasted time sitting and takes a long time to build a client base. I am better on my own not wasting time. (this is a personal preference)

Second thing is our small farming activities. We raise meat birds (chickens and turkeys) sell eggs, and strawberries and other small items off our farm. This does 2 things for us. It provides great food for us to eat and brings the cost of what we raise for ourselves down to free or sometimes even puts some money in our pockets. The benefit in doing this is health and a good portion of what we eat at no cost. 2 wind turbines are going up a quarter of a mile from the house this summer with tons of people traveling our normally quiet road. This will be a great benefit for our little roadside stand. Is it permanent... no .... but will raise our income stream from this year.

Third, I handle email clubs for small businesses that want to bring customers back into the store and give them exclusive offers. Simple, high revenue for time invested income. Starting a proper internet business can be lucrative and actually take little time for the money it brings in. I could not make what I get per hour doing this at any job. My husband who is an engineer does not make this per hour. That being said if the internet blew up tomorrow this is not my only income stream.

Fourth, doll clothes. It seems like everyone and their sister had an American Girl doll or a similar 18 inch doll for their daughter. A friend and I make doll clothes and sell them like hotcakes where ever we go. The company sells them at obnoxious prices and we sell them reasonable so it brings in a nice income as well.

Do not be overwhelmed these are just ideas. The first 3 things, in all honesty, require very little of my time. With the food, we are producing it anyway, so it is not a hassle to grow some extra to bring the cost of ours down. We are a people who count on only one thing, these days it can be a detriment when things cycle downwards. God has blessed all of us with many abilities. Maybe you can tutor, babysit, grow some grapes, design a webpage or do clothing alterations. Whatever it is you can have things that are a part of your daily life that will enhance it. We give away a ton of items as well which makes us happy to be able to bless people with extra items they need. Train your children to learn how to do more than one thing and they will call you blessed. I truly believe it!

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