Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are we using our things wisely?

Sunday at church we had a guest speaker. He talked about Luke chapter 16 where two parables appear that are not seen in any other of the Gospels. The parable of the shrewd manager and the rich man and Lazarus. I was seriously enlightened and God pressed many things onto my heart.

In the end when we go to meet the Lord we will give an accounting before God for our use of our time, money and possessions. Wow that is pretty intense. Not of our sins those have been wiped clean. But how we used these gifts God gave to us. How we handle our money and worldly possessions is a test of our character, values, life, stewardship and his Lordship. I knew all this but it came to a whole new light.

John Wesley at first was making 30 pounds a year and his necessity spending was at 28. Then he was making 60 kept his spending at 28 and gave the rest away then was making 90 and still only used 28. 150 still only spent 28. Later in life in the thousands and still kept it at 28, how amazing is that. We tend to keep increasing our spending with our pay increases. This man had it right on.

We live in the wealthiest nation in the world. If you are at poverty level which I believe is around 20k you are in the top 2% of income earners in the world. If you are at half of that you are in the top 7%.

Regardless of our dropping retirement or investment funds we are such a blessed people who participate in the practice of chronic whining. I want to give God a good accounting of my time and money and have to make that change now! What will you do? Will you make an effort to be a good steward in every area. Time, money and possesions. Or will you continue to go on living the American way. Alas my heart has been convicted and I cannot go on same as always.

Be blessed.

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