Friday, December 23, 2011

Lot of things going on.

It has certainly been awhile since my last post. My days have been filled with a lot of busy things.

As most people know we currently run 2 family business ventures. We are getting ready to take one to the next level so to speak. We are launching a website with a store front for the doll clothing. This is a super exciting and scary time for us. We have prayed extensively that if this is to be that the Lord would make everything fall in line and so far he has. I found a great local web design team to work the website out. I am excited however this will mean much more dedicated time to sewing for me. If you know any other home school moms who really do run a full time business also let me know please I would love to pick their brain.

Mike is off for the next 10 days and we will enjoy some wonderful family time together without a doubt. As we head into the new year we are revamping the way everything works in our home and as a family. As many know when Joshua was an infant we took the Financial Peace series. We were humming along and Mike's job moved downstate. We added little Micah and we rented our home out to some people who failed to pay rent and pretty much destroyed the place. We also had a medical/dental procedure done with Noah to the tune of $13,500 YIKES! Here we are 6 years later. We totally lost focus and should be done by now.

Satan is a great distracter.... however God is better at reminders of how to get back on track. We will be restarting our financial freedom plan on Jan 1st. It will be hard and ugly and not something we want to do. However I know this is what God wants from our family and will bless it. My blogs this next year will most likely be about our journey towards financial freedom and how things are going with homeschooling and running a business. I hope everyone has a super ending to 2011 and knows the peace of the Lord God Almighty heading into 2012. If not give me a call it is never to late.

1 comment:

  1. We need to refocus as well with financial freedom. We really should try to get together and be accountability partners again.
