Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fruits of the season.

Summer is such a wonderful time to prepare. God has provided this season for us to prepare for the long winter season ahead. Sometimes this is hard. We want to go lots of places and do lots of things. Its hot and preserving food whether by getting ready for freezing or actually canning makes you hotter.

It does not matter if you do a little or a lot but anything helps reduce your food budget during the winter and gives you things to eat that are healthier for you and your family. I would really encourage you to find a friend or a neighbor that you can do your production with. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says : Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor.
I miss my friends Brandy and Joan whom I used to do all my food prep for canning and freezing with. We would put out an unimaginable amount of stuff in one day. I do it on my own and still get the rewards but it is nicer if you can find a friend.

In Northern Michigan Strawberries are about finished. However blueberries and raspberries and starting up. Find a place to go pick. Your aunt probably has raspberries behind her house that don't get used. Ask around. This year our apple and pear trees are loaded. My friend Brandy has 200 acres with apple trees on them she just wants them picked by anyone. Lots of people are willing to share the extra harvest of vegetables and fruits.

Think about the long term payoff. One day a week spent on putting away food in the summer once harvesting starts can have a huge financial payoff towards your groceries in the winter. Even if you can't find what you want for free just look around at local farm markets and roadside farm stands. I met a lady at fair this year that their family spends the summer doing farm markets. She is opening her farm up to allow you pick tomato's this year. Much less expensive then purchasing by the bushel.

And if you have extra find a family, maybe not a friend of yours and bless them with your excess. You will be amazed at how God will bless that simple act.


  1. I might have to pick some apples at Brandy's if I'm not able to get enough off our trees. We need to do a minimum of 100 quarts!

  2. Yes let me know between what I have and she has I am sure we can fill your request!
